Dear friends,
I would love to copy and paste, one note in Facebook that is made by my lovely auntie ~ Linda Augustine Evans. I like the way she express her closeness to her friends. I can feel her writing cos this is exactly how I feel about my friends. They are my biggest supporters in my downturn. When people judge that I'm cracked eggs, they still say that I'm just the perfect egg. They still open their doors when I need place when the storm attacks. I feel so much grateful. This is specially dedicated to them.
To whom I call them my friends
It's the friends that you can call at any time of the day.. How true!! I have called one of my friends at 2 a.m in the morning. Not that I do it often, but just knowing that they are there, and that I can count on them, makes a difference. I can even anticipate what they might say to cheer me up; so, I can start to feel a bit better even before I have spoken to them.
We all have different friends for different occasions. There are the bonded relationship friends, career friends; sport friends; stand up comedienne friends who make me laugh; or the no nonsense friends. When I am a total loss, my close friends understand me even when I am finding it diffficult to express how I am feeling.
A good friend with whom I share an almost sisterly closeness gives me strength, confidence and hope. What would we do without friends? Friends make our lives richer; without friends life would be less fulfilling, les involving and much less fun.
My friends help me to grow. They teach me daring; they infect me with their enthusiasm. Thanks to you my friends, I am bold. I have the courage to try out new things, to seize the day, and to learn your background and culture. You give me the energy I need to experiment, and with your love and support, I have the confidence to develop myriad aspects of my personality. My true friends are willing to embrace the changes in my life; my best friends never judge, my flexible friends are a joy to know. Friends are my steady faithful companion on my life's path.
Friends in need will stand by when you face problems and difficulties, the friendship will last forever. Pretencious friends will only come and go, and will not last. They will come because they see you still have something to offer.
To whom I call them my friends, thank you all, you make me the person I am today, tomorrow, and always. May God bless you all. Thank you again for being my wonderful friends...
By Linda Augustine Evans, "this writing is part of my speech to my friends who attended my 50th birthday, almost 5 years ago in Singapore and there is some changes here and there...."
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Doctrine and Covenants doctrinal mastery scripture posters, flashcards, and
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